
Wednesday 20 July 2011

My Tree Itch

My best friend says I have a "tree itch," meaning I'm having a prolonged intense desire to go be among the trees. And she's right.

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Spiritual Identity

It's the middle of summer and I've been feeling a strong connection to the element of fire this year. (Last year summer brought a strong connection to the element of water for me.) I began the day by looking for a list of fire dieties as I have yet to feel a connection to a particular Lady and Lord and thought my strong connections to the fire element might be a good starting round for a meditation point after some research. While I failed to find a list that I was looking for, I did come across serveral articles on Witchvox that spoke to me about what it is and isn't to be a Pagan or Witch.

I still consider myself in a learning stage of the Pagan and Witch traditions rather and a devoted follower. I do feel strong connections to various elements and feel a connection to the Goddess within my soul. I know I am on the correct path. This is not something I question. But aside from a few close friends I am reluctant to tell anyone how I feel about religion and the spiritual path that speaks to me. It is good to know that I am not alone. I consider myself a fairly "normal" person. Normal being subjective, but I'm well educated, amibitious, I don't dress out of the ordinary, and am respectful of those I am around. I do feel a yearning to be freer than I am in many ways, but out of respect for my family I hold myself in check. I don't want preconceived notions and incorrect assumptions to hinder my path in life. I want to live peacefully and follow my own path. I don't think that's too much to ask or too much of others to allow you to do.