
Wednesday 17 April 2013

A New Hearth, A New Home

The last few weeks have been a bit busy. I found a new apartment the day after I wrote my last entry and while we're mostly moved in now, some things still need work.

The whole apartment hunting and application process was a huge lesson in faith and trust in the Goddess for me. I know that sounds a little strange in the Craigslist-driven, money revolving world of apartment renting, but it's true for me. I've always been cautious when it comes to putting all my hopes in one basket as they usually fall apart at that point. So when I had only found one decent apartment for every two weeks of searching, I found that focusing my need and asking the Goddess for help getting through the process made a huge difference. I didn't dwell on anything and with the amazing backyard I knew the Goddess wanted me here.

Our first week in the new place also got me talking with the other half about paganism and Heathenism while we were without internet. I knew he was open to my alternative spiritual views, but didn't know he had any interest, even though his interest is limited more to the symbolism, celebrations and lore than a belief system. This makes me really excited to learn and share with him as Heathenism keeps coming up on my spiritual radar as of late.

Another exciting aspect to this new apartment is our backyard. It is shared with the 3 other units in the building, but from what I can tell, no one uses anything more than the patio area. Plus, when we signed the lease the landlord kept saying he wished someone would do something with it. My other half was enamored with the yard from the first site of it and upon exploration we found a planter box that needed a little love. After a few hours and a good session with his dad's rototiller, our planter box now has peppers, tomatoes, garlic and onions growing with basil and marigolds to be added soon. I also found a great spot to turn into a garden altar. I'm so excited to not be confined to an inside spot for my ritual work anymore.

Conquering the planter box.
All in all, this place has a wonderful positive energy to it and I know that the Goddess blessed me with a wonderful new home.