
Sunday 6 October 2013

Harvest And Hearth

Photo by
Autumn is here. Yes, it is my favourite time of the year. I always feel closer to home and hearth. Now I know I'm a few weeks late for my sabbat check in, but life has been quite busy. The Goddess has blessed me with a new job in my field of study and it tends to take up most of my time. 

Mabon actually got me thinking about my own project ideas this year. Usually I look through Llewellyn's Sabbat Almanac for ideas on how to celebrate the sabbats, but I did several of the ideas in the 2013 Mabon section last year when I did not have access to my library and picked the 2013 copy up early. Thus I wanted to do something new this year and with my busy schedule came up with the idea of a sabbat candle. 

The sabbat candle is simply an offering candle that you dress with herb and oils that correspond to the sabbat and then burn the candle daily until the next sabbat when you make another one. For mine Mabon candle I used cloves, cinnamon sticks, orange and ginger oils. The candle is quite fragrant and I can feel the energy of the Lord and Lady that it brings to my home.

Mabon candle and Autumn bouquet.

I plan on doing this simple yet powerful offering for every sabbat from now on. Now back to my books so I can start planning Samhain ahead of time.

Tuesday 18 June 2013

The Next Chapter: Solstice

I have noticed that I seem to have an internal clock for sabbats. I get busy with various things until a few days before and then something sparks my recognition of what time of the year it is. Like now for instance, talking to the other half last night about the four elements reminded me that the Solstice is only two days away. (I live on the West Coast so it occurs at 10pm for me, although I'll most likely observe it all day Friday.) This means I need to figure out how I'm going to be celebrating this year.

One thing I do every year, and it helps me learn and understand the sabbats and my relation to them, it buy Llewellyn's Sabbats Almanac. Now don't judge me for buying from Llewellyn, but I find the almanac is a great way to learn about how different people celebrate the different sabbats. Here's some of the activities I've done inspired by what I've read from these books: three years ago I made a wish box and wrote down what I wanted to manifest in my life, two years ago I started setting out gifts of milk and honey for the fae folk upon learning more about their connection with Litha, last year I slacked at Midsummer (I was in a slump and wouldn't climb out of it until closer to Mabon.) Those are just a few of the examples.

Another reason I like the Sabbats Almanac is that it changes form year to year. Most of my books on magical subjects don't have any new information every year. Once printed, the words don't change. My understanding of them might, but the words themselves don't. I do go back and review my old almanacs to see if I might interpret what they say in a different way or if they have an observance that I am living in a place more suited for.

That said, I'm off to go plan my sabbat celebration. Also, I really like this gal's get-up at the Stonehenge  Solstice observance from 2011.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Seasons Shifting to Ponder

Blessed Beltane to all!

That said, I'm under the weather sick with a sore throat and congested head. Sitting on the couch reviewing blogs and articles while drinking tea and trying to make everything above my shoulders stop hurting was not how I had planned to spend today. Now onto something I did want to do today.

Ever since I was introduced to Paganism and began researching Sabbats and such I noticed that the "accepted" change in seasons here in California (and to some extent Washington State as well) seem to follow the Sabbats, not the Solstices and Equinoxes. What I mean by this is rather then summer starting on June 20/21 like everyone says, I believe it actually starts here around May 1. That's the time that the world really begins to warm up and come fully alive.

This same 6-week push forward of the seasonal changes I have noticed can also be applied to spring, fall and winter as well. Spring always seems to take effect in February, just in time for Imbloc. Winter always comes around the time of Samhain. Fall is the tricky one as the Bay Area experiences an Indian Summer in September and October. However, if I go by the fact that the leaves on the trees start to change colors and it gets a bit blustery in August, fall also fits this pattern.

Additionally it makes more sense tome that the fire festivals are in the summer season and all of the harvest festivals are in the fall season. The dark time of the year should encompass the winter and the return of the light should herald the spring. After all, the Wheel of the Year is supposed to represent the cycle of life, for both us and the God and Goddess, and if we go by the established secular/Christian cycle everything is slightly skewed.

I hope your Beltane brings the warmth of the Sun to you. Blessed Be.

Wednesday 17 April 2013

A New Hearth, A New Home

The last few weeks have been a bit busy. I found a new apartment the day after I wrote my last entry and while we're mostly moved in now, some things still need work.

The whole apartment hunting and application process was a huge lesson in faith and trust in the Goddess for me. I know that sounds a little strange in the Craigslist-driven, money revolving world of apartment renting, but it's true for me. I've always been cautious when it comes to putting all my hopes in one basket as they usually fall apart at that point. So when I had only found one decent apartment for every two weeks of searching, I found that focusing my need and asking the Goddess for help getting through the process made a huge difference. I didn't dwell on anything and with the amazing backyard I knew the Goddess wanted me here.

Our first week in the new place also got me talking with the other half about paganism and Heathenism while we were without internet. I knew he was open to my alternative spiritual views, but didn't know he had any interest, even though his interest is limited more to the symbolism, celebrations and lore than a belief system. This makes me really excited to learn and share with him as Heathenism keeps coming up on my spiritual radar as of late.

Another exciting aspect to this new apartment is our backyard. It is shared with the 3 other units in the building, but from what I can tell, no one uses anything more than the patio area. Plus, when we signed the lease the landlord kept saying he wished someone would do something with it. My other half was enamored with the yard from the first site of it and upon exploration we found a planter box that needed a little love. After a few hours and a good session with his dad's rototiller, our planter box now has peppers, tomatoes, garlic and onions growing with basil and marigolds to be added soon. I also found a great spot to turn into a garden altar. I'm so excited to not be confined to an inside spot for my ritual work anymore.

Conquering the planter box.
All in all, this place has a wonderful positive energy to it and I know that the Goddess blessed me with a wonderful new home.

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Spring Has Set

With the passing of Ostara last week and the Full Moon today, spring is in full swing here in California.  Most of the United States right now is probably grumbling at us, but my parents in Washington State are actually having far better weather than California, so please direct your envy northward.

Full Moon on the Night of 3/26/13

Anyways, back to spring. One of the most common occurrences during spring is the proverbial "spring cleaning." Having most of my possessions 1) in storage up in Washington or 2) packed up and ready to move as soon as we find a new apartment kind of prevents me from going through everything I own and passing on what I don't need. (By the way, this is something I would love to do if I could access everything I own.) However, the house I currently reside in is in a horrible state of filth due to the three male occupants who all seem to have ego issues about doing chores for the others. Drawing energy from the full moon and with what I can only describe as inspiration from the Goddess I went at this disgusting house. I would have loved to do a smudging, but my sage is packed away so boxed incense, Glade candles, and a small bunch of daffodils helped guide me through the cleaning and cleansing process.

Spring "Altar" March 2013

The results? The kitchen, bathroom and my boyfriend's room all feel lighter and free of negativity. It's much more relaxing and homey. I hope this helps clear the funk of negativity that has been clouding my other half as of late.

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Altars and Sacred Spaces

One thing I have been lacking for the past year and a half is an altar space of my own. I had to give mine up when I moved back in with my parents briefly. They wouldn't have understood and probably would have tried to have me exorcized or something since I had set up an "occult item" in their home. When I came back to California I ended up staying with my boyfriend in his tiny room, and whileI did set up a shrine of sorts on the kitchen table, that table has also been servering as my desk and thus is not as sacred as I'd like it to be.

Now that we are in the process of looking for a new place a live I am excited as this means I will be able to set up an altar again. I keep browsing sites for inspirations and there's quite a few new additions to my Pinterest Pagan board. All of these ideas keep me wondering and thinking about how I want to set up my space when I finally can again.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Path as a Concept

A path is a conceptually interesting thing. It both guides and distracts. It can be well worn or long forgotten. You can leave it and come back and find it again. However, the most interesting thing I feel about any path is that a path is a unique experience to all who traverse it.

I have been trying for a long time to find and walk my own path, free of outside influences and expectations. I believe I am on that path currently, but it's not been easy. The people closest to me are supportive and loving and those I am not so close with tend to be respectful of my path for the most part. Finally owning my own vehicle has helped clear up my path a little bit as it has lessoned the obligations to people other than myself. Yet, I my path has led me to new obligations that I know I am being entirely selfish about.

I've stated it before and I'll say it again, I'm a dreamer. I'm not the person who likes to go out and take charge. I'd rather tag along and see all the possibilities that lie before, rather than being focused on achieving the goal. It's something my meditations and working have revealed to me about myself and I embrace it. However, it turns me into the stubborn Aries that I am inside. And right now that nature is manifesting itself in a way that could be detrimental to my future. Namely, I don't want to be the only one of my new roommates looking for a place to live. But the God and Goddess have always guided me and I know when something is right as a result. And being selfish right now and holding on for a day or two is not hurting. Given that today is the First Quarter, there will be growing success starting tomorrow.

This whole post may have turned into a self justification for not taking charge today, but every now and again the Lady and Lord will remind you to be true to yourself.

Comet Pan STARRS March 2013

Sunday 17 March 2013

Online Resources

The internet is an amazing tool for learning about the Pagan path. There are thousands of blogs and videos about almost every topic you can think of. One of my favorite and recently discovered video posters is CharmingPixieFlora on YouTube. (I've linked to a video of hers that hit the spot just now when I was watching it.)

It's interesting to see how other people practice and video allows us to do this. We can share our path with the world and learn from the paths of others. I know she has a new YouTube channel, but I think this channel is more pagan oriented and thus more relevant to my needs.

Sunday 10 March 2013

Learning Focus of the Season

In the magical blogsphere I keep coming across more and more references to Heathenism and
Ásatrú. I know only rudimentary things about who the deities are in that pantheon, but it has me wanting to know more about the traditions of the North. Not saying I'm going to jump ship and start believing in that path, but I think the time is right to learn about it. It's just one more topic to fill my mind with.

On a secondary note, my study of tarot has been slow, but productive. I gave another reading this week and was better able to interpret the cards. It also made me really happy when my boyfriend popped in during the middle and stated how the Tarot is one of the few metaphysical things he actually puts stock in. Score.

Thursday 28 February 2013

The World Awakens

The wheel turns and the seasons change. The light that returned to the world at Imbolc has grown and the signs of new life are everywhere. I love love watching the trees outside my house at this time of year. They blossom and then the petals fall off only to be replaced by new leaves. All the new green and freshly opened flowers tell me one thing: Ostara is on the way.

Living in the Bay Area, we barely have what most people would call a winter. The trees barely loose all their leaves before they start to regrow them. But our elongated spring has one advantage, we can easily take note of all the little changes occurring in nature without being overwhelmed by them. And this year I have been making an extra effort to notice these small changes in the world around me. As a result, I am mildly consumed by an interest in having a really good Ostara celebration this year. In fact, it mirrors the same drive I had to celebrate Mabon six months ago. And that seems fitting to me.

Scouring the web and any books I don't have packed away in another state for Ostara ideas has been very fulfilling. Although I've mostly come across topics saying to paint eggs, hold an egg hunt, etc., there have been a few interesting ideas. Planting seeds during ritual, making an offering spot in your garden, remembering Persephone's return from the Underworld have all been ideas that have interested me. Especially the planting and gardening. (I have been wanting a garden for many years and actually have an idea on how to have a successful window garden that is cat proof.)

We'll just have to wait three weeks and see where the Goddess guides me.

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Well Wishes for a Dark Time

One of my friends and her boyfriend just broke in a rather painful way. She's not heartbroken about the fact that the relationship is over, she's pissed on how he used her willingness to support him and than threw her to the curb. There's more details to this, but that's the gist of the situation and I'd be pissed too if I was in her situation.

I personally think she's better off without him, and to help her along her path I made a scroll with a prosperity blessing on it for her.
Prosperity Scroll

I chose purple and Lavender for this project to promote healing her emotional wounds and to protect her on her new journey. I had her permission to do something like this for her and she was delighted when I gave it to her today. (She's a Nichiren Buddhist, but understands and respects my pagan beliefs.) I hope the good intentions and well wishes I imbued in it are passed onto her.

The Written Blessing
Anointed with Lavender Oil

Tuesday 26 February 2013

It's in the Cards

My tarot spread from 2-12-13
The tarot has been calling to me as of late. My deck does not like lying dormant. And it seems to be asking me to learn more about it.

I will be the first to admit I am a VERY novice tarot reader. Yet, the cards have always been accurate and on the spot for whomever I've done a reading for, including myself. I don't view the cards as a foretelling of the future, but rather as a reflection of that moment in a person's life. They give insight to what is going on and help one to sort out any decisions they have to make.

I've been seeing tarot everywhere I go. From one of my favorite blogs, Moon and Shadow, to a new app on my iPhone, to books I have been rereading. And the card that keeps turning up is the Wheel of Fortune. This is also why I want to learn more about the tarot. When a Trump card keeps popping up, one should pay attention to the lesson it is trying to convey.

Lunar Chaos and Winter Retreats

Winter Moon

As much as I love the Moon (as a kid I wanted to be an Apollo astronaut when I grew up, moonstone is my gemstone of choice, etc) the passing of a full moon always seems to bring a bit of chaos to my life. Last night was the Snow Moon and while yesterday was nice a peaceful, this morning has been quite chaotic. I feel klutzier than normal. Timing things is not working in my favor. And the one thing I really want to do on my day off I keep getting interrupted when I try to do—study magic and paganism.

The last one probably bothers me the most. The others are all trivial and in the long run won't matter. But having a good environment to study my craft is important for both learning the material correctly and for my mental well being. I've noticed that my studies bring me a peace of mind I have a hard time finding in our chaotic little house. They also remove me from the craziness of out modern, digitally driven world. And trust me, that can be a very hard thing to accomplish with 4 people running in and out of the kitchen you use as a study.

Recently we took a trip up to the Tahoe area for a few days. Staying in the cabin in the snow was wonderful for the most part. I was granted sight of the beauty that the goddess' touch leaves on the world in early morning. The cabin we were at was next to a creek. Meditating beside the creek and taking in the natural world was wonderful. However, any peace I tried to carve out was constantly shattered by my roommate's 3 year old daughter he brought on the trip. Granted, he was the organizer of the trip and had the cabin connection, but when there's only one kid and the rest of the people are unmarried and childless for a reason, this makes for a less than relaxing vacation.

One thing I did get out of that trip was a huge resurgence in my desire to study the devine and strengthen my connection with the Lady and Lord. I should probably take note from a post I came across this morning on the blog A Heathen's Path regarding Practice Makes Perfect. The post discusses making time and finding ways to observe our spiritual traditions in a world that consumes all our free time and doesn't reflect our beliefs. My efforts so far have been to read blogs and other sources regarding rituals, sabbats, spells, lore, etc. while having breakfast, maintaining a small altar space on the table I use as a desk, taking note of the blossoms and leaves on the trees outside my window, etc. It does bring me peace to notice these things, I just wish I had more time to devote to them. As the title of that post says practice makes perfect and in time, with some dedication, I'm sure I can settle into a few routines of my own.

Thursday 7 February 2013

Out of the Digital Broom Closet

I just made this blog visible to the public. Kind of nervous, but I feel I owe it to the pagan community to  be a visibly active part of it. Afterall, I am a devoted reader of other blogs and hope that others can learn from my experiences as I have learned from theirs.

This also means I need to overhaul the look of my blog. I had originally intended it to be an exploration of "green witchery," but I find that my path seems to be more of a kitchen witch at the moment. (I currently lack any sort of useable outdoor/green space and seem to always be in the kitchen because that's where my computer lives.)

To anyone who stumbles across my humble little blog, I apologize ahead of time for any spelling errors and hope you enjoy what you find here. Blessed Be.

Light in the Darkness

Imbolc Altar

Two sabbats have come and gone since my last post. I had a wonderful little Yule set up on my table and found the perfect bouquet of flowers for Imbolc. Sadly I was not as actively involved with each sabbat as I would have liked. I got sucked into helping my roommate buy gifts for his daughter for Christmas and ended up pulling extra shifts at work on Imbolc. Perhaps Ostara will see me with a bit more time for observance here at home.

However, I am going to the Sierras this weekend for a few days and think that I will take the opportunity to welcome the light back to the world while I am there. This will also be the first time I have had the opportunity to preform a ritual or observance in the snow. The Bay Area rarely gets any snow and it's never truly that cold or dark. Also, I'm turning 30 this year and I feel that I should dedicate my time and effort to improving myself, my relationships and my life. Last summer's trip to Milsap Bar on the Feather River was rejuvenating and allowed me to get in touch with a specific aspect of nature. I feel that getting in touch with another aspect of nature will only open me up further to my own spiritual growth.

Now to look up some rituals (outdoor preferably) that are meant for a snowy place and welcome the light back into the world.