
About Me

I am a Bay Area based spiritual being who is on the road to recovery after being raised Catholic. I dislike being forced to believe what someone else says I should and love learning about almost everything (except math—long story.) Sadly, I am still "in the broom closet" to almost anyone but my friends who know me best. I would love to be open about who I am, but highly Catholic and unaccepting family prevent that.

I don't claim to be anything but a student of pagan practises and rites as I don't consider myself versed or experienced enough to be any real authority on the subject. I am also a student of the human experience and am more than willing to share any insights and knowledge I gain in a factual way.

I happened upon paganism when talking to the roommate of my ex and soon found out that my best friend also was pagan. Owning to my interest in anthropology, I immediately began to study paganism, witchcraft and anything related so that I could better understand my friends. What I discovered amazed me—I had come across a belief system that explained things in the world in a way I knew which to be true.

Three years later I am still highly interested in the study of paganism and witchcraft. I have yet to find my personal deities, but I know I am on the correct path for myself and that's what matters most. I hope you enjoy my musing as I grow along my path. Blessed Be.